If you’re a digital marketer or an online seller, you know the importance of understanding your website’s analytics. And if you’re looking for a good tracking tool, you should definitely check out Hyros. Hyros is an all-in-one tracking tool that lets you track your website’s performance, SEO progress, and social media analytics. It’s easy to use and offers many great features, so if you’re looking for reliable and affordable advertising tracking software.

We have evaluated Hyros’s ad tracking tool, and this is the complete Hyros Software Review for your consideration.


Executive Summary:


Table of Contents:
1. What Is Hyros?

The Hyros tool is the first of its kind to offer laser-accurate digital tracking, allowing marketers more detailed insights into their audience’s preferences.

2. How Does Hyros Work?

This analytics software provider has developed an innovative new feature that helps you better analyze your campaign data compiled in one place.

Pros Of Hyros:
a. Hyper-Accurate Ads Tracking Software:

The Hyros platform gives businesses everything they need to take their visibility up another notch and get noticed by more potential customers!

b. Track Your Ads:

Hyros has a sleek and intuitive app that makes it easy to track your sales calls.

c. Detailed Tracking Reports:

Hyros’ Watcher Script generates highly accurate and detailed reports to help you understand your company’s performance.

d. Comprehensive Reports Generation:

Hyros ensures that the information you need is always at your fingertips with its comprehensive and reliable reports.

e. User Interface (UI):

It has an easy-to-use interface with in-built demos for your ease.

f. Marketing Funnels:

Hyros is a powerful AI-powered sales and funnel platform that helps you get the best results possible by working with data from different sources.

g. Customizability:

Hyros offers AI-based algorithms that help you customize your PPC campaigns and sales strategies according to your goals and needs.

h. Email Marketing:

Hyros tool helps you get the most out of your email marketing campaigns, you can easily optimize your segments and campaigns accordingly to get better results

i. Customer Journey:

The Hyros gives you the entire customer journey, from accurate tracking to understand how far your customers go in their purchases.

4. Cons Of Hyros:

The biggest cons include its invite-only software and is only inclusive to businesses of a certain scale.

5. Is Hyros Worth It?

Yes, it is most definitely worth it since its pros outweigh the cons.

6. Hyros Pricing:

The Hyros monthly fee starts at $399 USD, but it can go up as high as $3k USD per month if you want Alex Becker to provide all the premium services.


What Is Hyros?

What Is Hyros

Hyros is an engaging, multifaceted platform that offers valuable data and information to help you manage your internet marketing goals. It’s created by Alex Becker, who developed it primarily as a tool for sales tracking with accuracy in mind – so users can be confident they’re getting top-notch reports on their ad spend or influencer content performance from day one!

How Does Hyros Work?

Hyros helps marketers track and manage their ad spend across different platforms in an easy-to-use, comprehensive manner. It’s helped people save time by giving them access to more information about what they’re advertising online and providing a better understanding of how effective each campaign was based on analytics.

As an online marketer, you spend a lot on Ads Management Services to grow your business. But with Hyros by your side, it can be cheaper and more effective than ever before!

The analytics software provider will help make better analysis so that all campaign data from Facebook or Google AdWords is compiled in one place–which means no more lost hours spent trying to figure out what went wrong during campaigns nor confusion about which advertising channel works best for certain products/services.

When synced together, this information gives clear insights into sales and how different marketing channels impact them. It claims to give around 20-30% cost savings without any adverse effect.


Pros Of Hyros:

      1. Hyper-Accurate Ads Tracking Software

        The Hyros platform is the perfect advertising tracking software for marketers and business owners looking to take their marketing visibility up a notch. It’s easy, intuitive interface allows you to work in real-time with team members, while its collaboration features ensure that everyone on board has access at all times–no matter where they are located! Hyros also tracks each user’s social media activity, like with hyros Facebook ads. The platform offers insights in real-time through its interactive dashboards with a better marketing funnel and up to 40% more attributes resulting from the ads regularly–allowing you to track every movement made by customers right down into their first click!

        Also Read: Effective Testing of Social Media Campaigns!

        With the help of Hyro’s data analytics platform for online marketing campaigns, it is possible to create a better funnel with more accurate information on what messages are converting best.


      1. Track Your Ads

        Hyros uses an excellent tracking method for getting sales calls. The customers in between the funnel can be tracked with its great features by using Hyro’s app on your phone, and it even has options to make conversions over mobile phones!

        This is a tremendous positive point during your campaign that will lead you towards success faster than ever before!


      1. Detailed Tracking Reports

        Hyros uses Watcher Script to generate highly accurate and detailed reports. The sales funnel report will help you take a deep dive into your company’s performance. From there, the data can be used by you or a Performance Marketing Company to make decisions and improve future campaigns for better results!


      1. Comprehensive Reports Generation

        Hyros provides comprehensive and reliable reports by using Server Side Tracking that help you make more informed decisions. The data they provide comes from a variety of traffic sources, like Google Ads or Facebook ads, which can give advertisers a competitive edge in marketing strategies!

        Read more on How To Advertise Successfully On Socials Like TikTok?


      1. User Interface (UI)

        Hyros is a tool that anyone can easily understand and use. It has an interface that makes it easy to use, even if you do not have experience with other tools like this one before!


      1. Marketing Funnels

        What if your marketing Cross-Platform Ads Campaign was more innovative? Hyros is an artificial intelligence-powered sales and funnel platform that gets you the best results possible by working with data from different sources.

        This is a powerful tool for salespeople with its ability to measure the progress of your pipeline from various traffic sources. It Tracks Clicks And Conversions and can help you identify where there are leaks in your system and optimize it so that more customers fall into place!

        This tool can help you analyze your own and others’ funnel performance. It’s an excellent way for people who have just started out with sales funnels to test the market and see which tactics work best against them to find a winning strategy before making any rash decisions!


      1. Customizability

        Hyros has made customizing your PPC ad campaigns and sales strategies more manageable than ever with the help of AI-based algorithms that provide comprehensive reports across all other platforms.

        The more accurate algorithm helps marketers make better marketing plans and subsequent choices by knowing audience behavior while also helping them get ahead in the competitive market successfully, much like the hiring services of a PPC Marketing Agency!

      2. Email Marketing

        Hyros is a revolutionary tool that helps you get the most out of your email marketing. It can optimize different factors and achieve better ROIs, so it’s perfect for any business looking to make their money work harder!

        Also Read: The Essentials Of Email Marketing


      1. Customer Journey

        The Hyros provides you with the entire customer journey, from accurate tracking to understanding the sales pattern and getting to know how far your customers go in their Purchases. You can use this information for making strategies that will help improve future conversions!



Cons Of Hyros:

    • Hyros is an invite-only tool, so you need to get someone to invite you.
    • You need to have a net revenue of over $40K USD and an ad spending of $10K USD to use Hyros.
    • Hyros as a tool is developed for a particular scale/size of business, and if you want to utilize this tool, you need to meet the requirements of that scale.
    • Your monthly spending needs to be over $10K USD which is quite impossible for small businesses to achieve.

Is Hyros Worth It?

Is Hyros Worth It

According to our Hyros Review, our team of marketing experts says; yes, it is definitely worth it! The best way to make your advertising campaigns more effective and efficient is with Alex Becker’s Hyros.

With one platform, you can manage all of the other significant advertisers like Facebook Ad manager or Google ads and be able to see analytics for each PPC campaign from start to finish!

Since we provide PPC Services in the USA, we understand the importance of efficient Google Ads Tracking; we know that this will give better information about how your marketing/campaigning efforts are going so that you don’t waste money on something that is not profitable!

Also Read; What To Know Before Hiring PPC Services in USA

Hyros Pricing:

Hyros Pricing Plan

The Hyros tool is a revolutionary way to help you grow and scale your business. It provides its users with an invitation-only program that ensures customers have the best experience possible. The program is so designed that the companies using this tool will meet specific size criteria. It also provides demos to help companies who use the tool effectively and navigate the interface quickly.

Hyros offers several different plans for companies of all sizes. The starting price is $399 per month. Still, if you need more services, there’s an option to upgrade at any time based on your company’s revenue level – the pricing can go up to as high 3k monthly bills as Alex Becker charges solely based on the value of the services provided!

Hyros has a billing policy of 12 months in advance, so it’s best to plan ahead if you want the service. It’s easy to book your demo and try out Hyros. You can do it in just a few clicks, and they offer 90 days refunds which means that their services are risk-free for 3 months!

The Hyros tool also has an affiliate marketing program, and the affiliate gets a commission from $1 to $5 for every successful referral. However, as mentioned above, there are specific criteria that businesses need to meet before joining this network – i.e., monthly advertisement spending of more than $10K USD and annual generation of  $40K USD.

You can use this link here to get an exclusive offer on the Hyros tool 


Why You Should Start Today

Hyper-accurate ads tracking software ensures that you can track your ads and see detailed reports on how they are performing. Comprehensive reports generation gives you all the data you need to make informed decisions about your marketing campaigns. Customizability means that Hyros can be tailored to fit any business or organization, large or small.

Email marketing with Hyros allows businesses to create customer journeys that take buyers through a well-designed funnel from initial contact through purchase and post-purchase engagement. If you’re looking for an all-in-one ad tracking and marketing tool, then Hyros is perfect for you!

Want to know more about marketing to other businesses? Read more about it in our Google Ads B2B Marketing Case Study!