Voice search is a relatively new technology, but it’s already changing how people interact with their devices. While voice search isn’t quite as versatile as typing in your query, there are still a few best practices to keep in mind when developing your strategy. Here are some of the top best practices for creating a great voice search strategy:

Identify the key phrases you want to rank for

voice search

It’s essential to learn how keyword research goes for voice search strategy. Here are some points that you need to keep in mind. 

  • Question keywords: Incoming queries for voice search could contain questions including how, what, when, why, and where. Be sure to add question-related keywords during strategy building.
  • Long-tail keywords: These keywords help in finishing a question. People usually use these keywords at the end of their queries. Therefore, it’s essential to consider long-tail keywords during voice search optimization.
  • Filler words: These Keywords help make queries more conversational and human-like. Some examples of filler words are “I, the, of the, on the, to, for,” etc.

To have a comprehensive idea about keywords, go for tools that ease out the research process. We recommend you to use SEMRUSH since it’s free and easy to get hands-on. 

Optimize for mobile devices

Optimize for mobile devices

The best device in terms of verbal processing questions is none other than a mobile phone. Therefore, for your verbal search strategy, you need to have it optimized for mobile devices. This way, you can deliver a fantastic accessibility experience to every user. 

Mobile-friendly content is essential to the success of any business, and getting it right takes some creativity. The first step in achieving this goal is building a mobile responsive website that ensures your site works on all devices regardless of size or shape. Next, you should run an audit for potential errors by running a WebSite Auditor Mobile Edition test explicitly designed for small screens. Finally, you can also optimize your content, so search engines can crawl through them quickly if they’re not already doing so.

Optimize content for voice search

voice search

How can you ensure that your website appears in voice search results? The more we use natural language on our site and publish conversational content, there are many scopes to match with questions.

Conversationally written text for people conducting voice searches will lead to an increase in traffic. This is because they are likely to visit your page instead of any other sites offering similar information.

When you’re trying to understand how people are asking verbal queries for your content, there are some things that you need to keep in mind. Things like what type of question keywords they’re using, their conversational style, and which kinds of queries seem most popular. What answers also work well? 

Data-driven insights can give you a glimpse into what people are searching for when they ask verbally.

Use featured snippets on your web pages

voice search

Featured snippets are the answer to your search queries that appear on top of Google’s list, geared towards mobile and voice searches. However, before using featured snippets, consider these two aspects involved in the process:

  • Featured snippet optimization is a two-fold process that involves increasing your page’s organic search rankings and giving concise answers to the question behind Google queries. These tactics work together to provide quick, easy responses for people looking for information on any topic in their browser or mobile device.
  • Featured Snippet Tool helps you rank high enough to have a good chance of being featured. It also shows optimization for each opportunity, case by case, that can help improve your content.

Add video transcripts for voice searchers

voice search

Transcripts are an excellent way to analyze a video for your video search strategy. With some of the world’s largest companies using them like YouTube or Vimeo, you definitely want to do the same. Unlike Google Analytics data which is only updated every few hours, transcripts provide up-to-date feedback about what your viewers are looking at when watching your videos. In addition, it gives you complete control over how each viewer experiences it by inserting keywords that align best with their interests into subtitles and captions. 


Out Origin's experts are best for voice search optimization

Voice search has dramatically changed the way people can interact with their devices, and it’s only getting more popular. With Out Origin’s expertise in voice search optimization, you can develop a solidifying strategy to most effectively reach your target audience.