So, the long-awaited iOS15 update has finally been released! Amidst the new features and changes (such as updated design, a new font, and more), it’s important to make sure that your email marketing after iOS 15 update is optimized for this latest update. Here, we’ll discuss some tips on how you can do just that using Klaviyo Marketing Services! Stay tuned for more email marketing tips and tricks!

Email Marketing after iOS 15 Update:

Marketers have been struggling since the iOS15 update officially came out on September 20, 2021. The update enables multiple privacy features, making it hard for them to estimate metrics, especially when Email Marketing is involved.

The main concern on everyone’s minds is how will you efficiently market your product/service without data from your customers? No one in the email marketing landscape is safe from this problem, not even Klaviyo users. Every Email Marketing Agency in the USA is grasping at straws to overcome this issue. But no need to worry, we are here to the res

What Is Klaviyo?

Klaviyo Email Marketing Tool - Email Marketing Services

Klaviyo is the marketing automation platform that helps you grow your business by sending targeted SMS and email communications. This saves time and money, while also ensuring that all messages are personalized for each customer, making them more likely to open or read what you have written!

The number of small businesses and Fortune 500 companies using this platform grows every day. As of 2021, over 70K paying customers were already using Klaviyo marketing services in 120+ countries around the world.


The Problems Faced By Marketers Post-iOS15 Update:

Problems in Email Marketing - iOS Update Issues

The iOS15 was a big update for Apple users. It brought about several changes, including a redesigned home screen and new features for the Messages app. Here we’ll take a look at some of the problems faced by email marketers after iOS15:

Unable To See Open Rate:

The key metrics that Klaviyo and email marketers look at when assessing success with their clients’ campaigns include how many times recipients opened messages and when. 

An email open rate can indicate how engaging your subject lines are. Suppose they’re catching people’s attention and bringing them into the fold. In that case, you might want to consider sending more interesting or unexpected messages in order not only to engage but also to surprise! However, if your email open rate is low, it means your customers might not even be reading your emails.

The iOS15 update has removed a long-standing metric for measuring the success or failure of email marketing campaigns. Apple Mail now allows users to opt-in privacy features that mask IP addresses and block third parties from tracking open rates, among other things. This is detrimental to the email marketing industry.

The Hide My Email Feature:

The iOS15 update has a “Hide My Email” feature that enables users to give sites a fake email address so that they can remain anonymous. Of course, users will still get emails meant for them. Still, brands won’t know who’s receiving information or what messages were sent from their account unless the users share their additional personal details themselves!

Location Services Disabling:

One of the most significant changes to email marketing after the iOS 15 update has been enforced was how location permissions work. Previously, apps could access your location data at all times unless you disabled Location Services entirely. Now, apps can only access your location when you actively use them. This change caused problems for marketers who rely on location data to target their ads and email marketers who rely on location to create their email lists.

The iCloud+ Subscription VPN:

The iOS15 update comes with a VPN-like Private Relay feature, which prevents sites from tracking Apple Safari users who opt-in and allows them to see which websites they’re sending information to. This is great for user privacy but detrimental if your business relies on this for email marketing optimization!

How To Resolve Email Marketing Problems Created By The iOS15 Update?

iOS Update Solutions - Email Marketing Agency

The iOS15 includes three major components that affect email marketing. These components can hide your email. It also allows you to block open tracking and hide your IP address from being seen on any website or app that requests them!

These three cause major marketing issues that email marketers and Klaviyo users face worldwide. However, many Klaviyo Marketing Services have come forward with ways to combat these issues and overcome anything iOS15 throws at them. Here are ways you can do the same:

Do not Panic, Assess:

There may be some concern that email marketing is on its way out. However, this couldn’t really be further from the truth as proven by other industries that have also fallen ill and died long ago, like paper bills or letter mailings!

We can never know what will happen tomorrow. Hence, it’s best to keep an open mind when things change around us constantly in this digital era where everything has been digitized, even customer relationships which means they too could adapt accordingly at any moment if need-be just like how marketers must do every single day.

This change will not impact all email readers. The email market is no longer the exclusive province of Apple Mail and its mobile devices. Google, Outlook, or other providers haven’t announced similar privacy moves to protect user data from being freely collected by marketers when they use these platforms for communication purposes. This could still provide solid tracking information if you’re looking into how often someone opens your emails!

Adjust Your Email Open Rate Goals:

Even though open rates are not going away anytime soon, many email audiences might become untraceable due to this update. As such, you’ll need to either lower or pivot your goal for determining what the new low and high open rate will be like instead of just achieving an average number across all subscribers that don’t vary too drastically from one day to the next.

If your manager sets the goals, it is essential to audit and communicate how many openings you usually get from your iOS users. This way, they can estimate what will happen after a rollout based on hard data like email open rates that come with this new feature!

Use Other Data For Email Marketing:

Even if open rates are impacted, there is still a lot of data you can use to determine whether or not your emails were successful. Some other key metrics that may help with this determination include the following:

  • Click maps of your customers.
  • Survey-based email research.
  • Click-through rates or CTR.
  • Incoming site traffic.
  • Un-subscription rate.
  • Subscription rate.

Segmentation Is Key:

The use of segmentation is a tried-and-true strategy for marketers who want their emails read. Fortunately, there are plenty of creative ways to take this concept one step further and make sure your campaigns reach the people most likely to be interested in them! 

In today’s world, everyone has an opinion about what should happen with our technology. However, rather than letting these changes scare us away from marketing altogether, let’s find new strategies using for email marketing after iOS 15 update as inspiration instead – after all, isn’t email still king?

One way to do this is by using a more complex segmentation system that is not based on open rates but instead takes into account how recently someone signed up, what they purchased from you in comparison with other customers who subscribe at about the same time period and if this person engaged with their email newsletter or not.

Combining conditions like the recency of sign-up and purchase can give a more accurate picture of what users want from you, so don’t overlook this! Try combining conditions like “on-site” or browser actions with email engagement to better target potential customers who will most likely love what you have to offer!

For Example:

You can even segment your email marketing campaign by the Apple iOS15 update on Klaviyo.

Klaviyo Tool Setup - Apple Update Settings for Email Marketing

Klaviyo Configuration for Apple iOS 15 - Email Marketing Tips

Full Service Email Marketing - Klaviyo Advertising Service

  • Make Sure Your Emails Are Being Delivered:

If you want your recipients to read the email, make sure it reaches them. Check for any errors and typos before sending and ensure it is delivered to the customer!


Best Email Marketing Agency - iOS 15 Apple Email Marketing

Klaviyo is a marketing automation platform that helps retailers and brands grow their business by managing customer relationships. The company’s powerful email marketing solutions provide customers with the right messages at the perfect time, driving higher engagement rates and increased sales.

With many marketers struggling to get back on track post-iOS15 update, it may be worth considering an alternative solution like Klaviyo Marketing Services for your next campaign or beyond. Learn more about how you can optimize your emails in this new landscape by contacting us today!