Upgrading To Shopify Plus

If you’re a business owner and are currently using Shopify to power your online store, you may be wondering if it’s worth to upgrade to Shopify Plus. After all, the standard Shopify plan has plenty of features and can handle most stores’ needs.

But is there anything that Shopify Plus offers that could be helpful for your business? In this post, we’ll take a look at some of the key differences between Shopify and an upgrade To Shopify Plus, so you can decide if is right for you. We will also try to gauge the benefits that come from Shopify Users switching to Plus.

What Is Shopify Plus?

What is Shopify Plus - Why is Shopify Plus Good - Out Origin

Shopify Plus is a high-growth eCommerce platform used by some of the top stores in this world. These include the following:

  • Tesla
  • Heinz
  • Fitbit
  • Pepsico
  • Red Bull
  • Decathlon
  • Gymshark
  • Adele’s merch
  • The Economist
  • Anheuser-Busch
  • Kylie Cosmetics
  • MVMT Watches
  • Lindt and Sprüngli
  • The New York Times
  • Los Angeles Lakers merch
  • Eyewear by David Beckham
  • World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
  • British Broadcasting Corp. (BBC)
  • Victoria Beckham’s fashion label

The Need To Upgrade To Shopify Plus:

Shopify has established itself as a trusted and reliable ecommerce platform that allows merchants to focus on their business rather than fiddling around with tricky technology or risky security concerns. As more and more merchants are Migrating To Shopify and growing their brands on the platform, their needs are evolving with them.

Shopify Users want a powerful platform that can support them on this journey; one where more functionality is available than what regular Shopify offers, but still maintains customization opportunities for those who need it most! This is where Shopify Plus comes in.

Shopify Plus is the perfect way for your store to scale and grow. In addition to the basic features available with Shopify Plus, there are some really cool enterprise-only capabilities that you can’t get on a lower-tier plan even with the best Website Development Service Agency. With these unique features, you can reach customers from anywhere with an online experience that will make them want more!


Why An Upgrade To Shopify Plus Is Better?

Shopify VS Shopify Plus - Comparing Shopify Accounts - Out Origin

Shopify Plus is the best choice for e-commerce businesses that want to take their business seriously and have ambitious goals. The Plus plan comes with more features than Shopify’s other standard plans, which means you can do less work in order to earn money! Following are the ten biggest benefits Shopify Plus has over other plans:

  • Better 24/7 Customer Support:

With Shopify Plus, you get the best of both worlds: excellent customer service and an easy-to-use platform. The migration from any other plan to plus is so simple that even a novice can do it with ease!

When you open your store for the first time, Spotify will also provide a Launch Partner who can walk you through everything and help get it set up. Once running smoothly like an expert! You may also encounter questions from our Merchant Success Managers which are available 24/7 at any point during or after launching – just contact them if something comes up, so they know what needs to be done right away.

Shopify Plus is the plan for store owners who want to take their e-commerce business seriously and evaluate every aspect of Spotify Audience’s responses to their products and advertisements. You can rest assured that Shopify’s team will be by your side every step of the way!

  • Customize Your Checkout Experience:

The customer’s experience with your brand is determined by how they interact throughout their journey. So from exploring what you have to offer on social media through checkout – it all matters!

You can optimize your checkout for conversions with a personalized design. With an A/B testing feature, you’ll be able to compare different layouts and see which one is most effective at converting customers! As a result of using this feature to its full potential with smarter and more creative ideas, your revenue will increase as well.

  • Get Access To Shopify Plus Launchpad:

Launchpad is your go-to app for making sure you never miss another flash sale or product launch. With the suite of automation features, it’s easy to schedule events with just one click! In addition, the analytics dashboard allows you to run reports and see how your campaign is performing.

  • Get Access To Shopify Plus Scripts Editor:

Shopify Plus comes with a unique Script Editor that allows you to create your own scripts and customize customer experiences. You can run custom code on the store without relying on third-party apps!

Think of the script editor as your designer. You can create anything from interactive videos to custom promotions that will make it even more exciting for customers!

Script Editor is a tool that you can use to create special discounts easily. BOGO offers free shipping on customers’ orders, special pricing, promotions for your best loyal customers, Reorder payment gateways, Product bundle offers, and many more. This means the possibilities are endless when it comes time for your business’s marketing campaign!

For Example:

Imagine the possibilities if you could automate your holiday sales. With both scripts and launchpad, it is easy for a store owner to create flash deals in advance so that they don’t have to keep on top of all those extra tasks during December!

  • Increased API Access:

With Plus, you’ll have increased API access. This can come in handy if your business deals with high volumes of data and needs an outside party like an ERP system to process it all for them – but there is no guaranteed increase during migration, so make sure this suits both parties before proceeding!

It’s worth noting that Shopify has made promises about being more flexible when helping new partners who are just settling in or Migrating To Shopify Plus to speed up the process.

  • Lower Your Transaction Fees:

Shopify’s transaction fees are a major turn-off for many online retailers. The cost of using their credit card service can range anywhere from 2% to 3%, plus another 30 cents on top! With Shopify Plus, you’ll be able to cut down on costs and save more money for your business. You won’t pay any transaction fees when using this advanced platform!

  • Sell Your Products Across A Variety Of Platforms:

There are many platforms where you can find potential customers these days. So it’s essential not only to have a presence on these sites but also to use them effectively for your business’ message and products/services offered to reach as far into the digital marketing hemisphere as possible!

Shopify Plus has you covered with integrations for countless platforms. You can market your products from the back-end and never worry about losing any data or control over how it looks because Shopifaction offers an all-in-one solution that will give users everything they need to run their businesses smoothly!

  • Sell Your Products In Multiple Currencies:

The new Shopify Plus feature will allow stores to sell items in different currencies, which is a big step up from previous limitations. The default currency has been changed to accommodate the global growth of businesses!

  • Shopify Flow:

The Shopify Flow tool is a lifesaver for e-commerce stores. With this innovative workflow, you can automate backend processes and free up your time by completing tasks such as order confirmations in one click!

Shopify has also released new software that will allow apps to communicate with each other. This is an exciting development for those in the industry, especially since it serves as another step towards connecting all aspects of our lives through technology!

  • Unlimited Bandwidth:

Your store must be able to handle periods of high traffic properly, especially during peak events such as Black Friday.

As your business grows and you start seeing more visitors on the internet, it’s important that both desktop browsing and smartphone/tablet app users have an enjoyable experience buying from your site!

When you set up your store on Shopify Plus, it should be able to handle huge traffic spikes. The Shopify Plus plan gives you access to unlimited bandwidth for your store, which means it can handle huge traffic spikes up to 500,000 hits per minute and 6 thousand checkouts.

How Do You Know When To Upgrade To Shopify Plus?

Shopify Plus is an excellent way to take your business online. However, you should consider whether or not this service will work for the type of merchandise you sell before signing up because there are some specific things you need to keep in mind when estimating the perfect time to make the switch. The specifics are as follows:

  • Top Quality Shopify Ecommerce Support:

Running a business is no easy feat. But the real challenge comes when you want to scale your company. Without professional help you may feel lost and encounter many ups and downs. But with seasoned experts to guide you along the way, you can finally feel confident about where they stand, having achieved what was needed without too much hassle or confusion involved!

The Shopify Plus platform partners you with experts who will help take care of everything from beginning to end. They provide access for merchants in the form of an Academy where they can learn how to run their store more efficiently, including live workshops and training videos on basic through advanced topics like marketing strategies or managing inventory easily without sacrificing quality control over what’s being sold!

You can also join the Shopify Plus Facebook community to meet like-minded individuals. You’ll get a chance at learning from other entrepreneurs who were once just as unsure and nervous about their businesses, but they’ve emerged successful!

  • Hindrance Of New Growth Opportunities Due To Repetitive Tasks:

As your company grows, you may find that some tasks become repetitive and challenging to focus on what is important. For example, order management or shipping can cause distractions that take away from work being done in other areas like sales & marketing.

Yes, it could be very hard for someone running their own business, but there are many ways out of this situation, such as hiring workers who will help sort through orders while also doing things like picking them up themselves- saving time when we need extra hands most.

Shopify Plus comes with several web tools that make it easy to automate repetitive tasks so you can spend less time on non-vital areas. Some examples include Shopify Flow, which lets users create custom doers for specific actions in your store; Spotify Launchpad provides access to music marketing resources and analytics.

  • Plans For Targeting An International Market:

According to a recent report, the number of Spotify users will reach 2 billion by 2025 – which means an annual increase of $30 trillion worth of customers each year. So the goal of every store, no matter the size or location, is to grow international exposure and make a profit.

With Shopify Plus, your business can expand beyond its traditional markets to reach new customers that other e-commerce platforms could not cater to. For example, you can have up to nine different stores with clone engines that utilize the same templates in various languages and currencies. This way, your customers will be able to reach out across borders without any trouble!

  • Selling Wholesale With Shopify Plus:

When you move up to Spotify Plus you also has a wholesale channel that allows stores to reach both B2B and consumer customers. The process of setting up your store is quick and easy. You can start using it right away by connecting all the pieces needed for business, including 3PL integration, if you’re working with one! You can also hire high-quality Website Development Services from a reputable Shopify Web Development company.

  • Staff Outgrowing Your Staff Accounts:

As your company grows, you’ll need more employees. The Advanced Shopify Core allows for up to 15 staff accounts which is a good starting point but eventually, these limits will be reached when expanding on the number of workers in-house or outsourcing some jobs overseas where wages are lower than they would otherwise be here at home depending upon what industry one works within!

With Shopify Plus, you can have an unlimited number of staff accounts. You won’t need to worry about your employees growing tired as they work on the platform with its excellent management tools!

  • Using A Customized Checkout Solution:

If you’re looking to update your checkout page for customers, upgrading to the platform is the right way. With so many features and options available with Shopify Plus – it will be hard not to find something that fits just right!

The Shopify checkout.liquid file allows you to change the look, shipping methods, and payment options on your website’s checkout page giving full control of branding functionality.

  • Your Over All Revenue:

What is your revenue? Do you have the resources to handle an increase in sales and inventory management with Shopify Plus, or would it be too much for one person alone without any help from outside sources like Website Development Services?

As soon as you get over $1M in annual revenue, it’s time to switch from Shopify Plus. The scalability it provides can help to grow your eCommerce store. With Shopify Plus, there are no limits on the number of products or customers!

With an Upgrade To Shopify Plus, you can grow quickly and generate an excellent return on investment. The additional features of the platform justify its cost since they help ensure maximum productivity for your business while still scaling efficiently—which means lower financial risk in general!


Why Choose Shopify Plus - Out Origin

Are you looking to take your e-commerce business to the next level? Shopify Plus Platform is a great option. It is a new suite of features and tools that exist to help you scale your business. You can use them to increase sales, handle more customers, or grow your team by providing the most robust eCommerce platform on the market today. So whether you’re just starting with an online store for the first time or have been in business for years but are ready to take things up a notch, there may be some need for upgrading.

However, suppose you are ill-equipped or inexperienced to handle the move. In that case, we advise you to consult Website Development Services from a Shopify Web Development agency to help understand Shopify Users and the platform better so that you can execute the upgrade efficiently.