Why Migrate To Shopify

Is your business still using an online platform that is no longer supported or struggles to keep up with the competition? Then, it might be time to migrate to Shopify. Shopify is one of the leading e-commerce platforms out there, and it offers a lot of features that can benefit businesses of all sizes. This article will provide reasons why you should make the switch. Keep reading to learn more!

As a Web Development Company, we understand that you need to consider before changing your business platform. Therefore, we have provided a thorough guide with all the things necessary for migrating your business across platforms that ensures no loss of ranking, traffic or conversion rates!


Executive Summary 

# Benefits
1 Cutting The Costs Of Expensive Developers: Experienced developers are expensive for small businesses to hire for site management, maintenance, and development. Shopify helps cut these costs for brands still trying to establish themselves.
2 Excellent Shopify Support: Shopify has impeccable around the clock support.
3 Great Server Uptime: Shopify’s server uptime is nothing short of perfect.
4 Multi-Channel E-commerce Platform: You can sell in more than one place with Shopify and establish a multichannel business.
5 No Contractual Obligations: You have no hidden or apparent, legal or contractual obligations to Shopify for using their platform.
6 SEO Friendly: Shopify is immaculately SEO friendly which aids in making the transition from one platform to the other easier. However, it is wise to hire a good SEO Service Agency for better results.
7 No Limit On Bandwidth: You can download or upload as much as you want on Shopify without any restrictions.
8 Ownership of control: Your e-commerce website on Shopify is yours and yours alone. You have complete control over it.
9 A Time-Served App Store At Your Disposal: The Shopify app is filled to the brim with each and every type of function and feature that you can add to your site. You can go through them forever until you find the one that fits your needs the most.
10 Cost-Effective: Shopify is also very cost-effective and guarantees that the money you invest in it is well spent.
11 Fee Structure Transparency: Shopify has a completely transparent fee structure without any hidden fees or charges.
12 Great Performance: Since Shopify is the cream of the crop, it offers great performance on your ecommerce website throughout.
13 Scalability: With Shopify’s assistance, it is easier to scale up your business on a local, national, or even global scale.

Reasons Why Your Business Should Migrate To Shopify:

The Shopify platform offers an end-to-end solution for your business. Its robust features and wide range of capabilities have become one of the most preferred e-commerce website options among retailers worldwide. The benefits of why so many retailers all over the world are making this change are as follows:


    1. Cutting The Cost Of Expensive Developers
      Website Development Cost

      Shopify is the go-to platform for those who want to avoid expensive developers. By cutting out costs for management, maintenance, and development, Shopify provides more value and saves their clients money in other areas of business operations! Shopify Audiences also tend to be more receptive towards new and upcoming businesses so it’s easier for brands to find their footing on this platform.

    2. Excellent Shopify Support

      Shopify offers unparalleled 24/7 support for its sellers and customers. It has even won awards and comes with the perk of a remarkable and uniform User Experience across the platform.

    3. Great Server Uptime

      Many website owners tend to complain from time to time that their website is down for some reason or another. But luckily, Shopify’s servers are always on, and the company has an excellent uptime of 99.98%. The uptime of the servers is one of the main reasons businesses should look to migrate to Shopify from their current website CMS 

    4. Multi-Channel Ecommerce Platform
      Shopify Ecommerce Platform

      Shopify allows its sellers to sell their products in more than one place online, which is exactly what multichannel e-commerce entails. So you do not have to worry about putting all your eggs in one basket. The overall digital marketing planning and setup is quite easy and makes it more fruitful, the multi channel or omni channel plan of marketing makes it a sure fire reason why businesses should look to migrate to Shopify. 

    5. No Contractual Obligations
      No Contractual Obligations

      Shopify is an easy-to-use e-commerce platform that doesn’t tie customers down with long-term commitments. As a result, sellers can enjoy the freedom of not being tied to costly contracts and obligations, so they can always make educated decisions about their business’s future without feeling pressured or trapped by previous agreements.

    6. SEO Friendly
      Shopify Is SEO Friendly

      Another main reason you should consider migrating to Shopify is that they have a strong SEO game. Once the migration process has been completed, all of our products’ URLs will change, meaning there would be no ill effect on search engine rankings when people want to purchase something online from you at Shopify!

      The right SEO Service Agency will ensure your Shopify pages are performing well and getting ranked correctly. They’ll also minimize any changes you need to make and monitor those pesky duplicates on page speed for errors- all while keeping up with performance metrics!

    7. No Limit Bandwidth

      Another benefit in migrating to Shopify is the bandwidth. It offers unlimited bandwidth, which means you can download or upload as much data in the given time.

    8. Ownership Of Control

      Shopify is a company that offers its sellers complete and total ownership of their e-commerce platform,, meaning if you migrate to Shopify or even develop a brand new one, then you can stay rest assured and know the website is yours

    9. A Time Served App Store At Your Disposal

      The Shopify app store helps you integrate plenty of additional functions and features. They have more than two thousand apps which allow for a seamless management, growth or even kickstart to your eCommerce business!

      You can find the perfect extension for your needs in just seconds. Whether you’re looking to make changes or add new features, there are many partners who will help work with what’s already on offer. The app store provides an easy way of browsing themes based around industries so that when it comes time select one – all without having to go through any coding knowledge yourself!

    10. Cost-Effective

      Businesses of all sizes can now create beautiful websites with Shopify’s drag-and drop platform. You don’t need to hire developers or designers, as it’s cheaper than building your own custom site from scratch!

      The only thing you will spend money on at first is setting up an account and choosing a domain name but once that done there are no additional monthly fees except for the package you agreed to.

      Shopify offers a 90-day free trial, after which they charge only USD 29/month. You can test the waters with Shopify’s 90-day free trial, but if you’re satisfied after that time period has passed then there are three different plans available for small businesses. The benefits of each plan determine which will suit your current needs best!

      Shopify is an excellent solution for e-commerce businesses because it provides all the tools you need in one place. Even if your company has a lot of products, their Shopify Migration Services will make sure that everything goes smoothly without taking too long!

      Also Read: Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Website

    11. Fee Structure Transparency

      Shopify is the most transparent platform when it comes to pricing plans. There are no hidden fees or other charges, which makes shopping with them an enjoyable experience for all parties involved!

      Shopify makes it easy to start an online store without having extensive technical knowledge. The robust eCommerce platform is affordable and their support staff will help you get started on your website in no time!

    12. Great Performance

      This platform is perfect for all of the reasons, but primarily because they have an incredible Content Delivery Network. Shopify stands out as one hosted ecommerce site with super fast content delivery – it’s like your product advertisements are already waiting on your customers’ devices!

      The Shopify platform has been designed to deliver a fast, smooth and responsive experience for both mobile browsers as well the web browser. This allows you to take advantage of accelerated dynamic assets which cache content more effectively increasing performance while minimizing traffic on your site – ultimately improving its load time! Such peak performance from online ecommerce stores elicits positive responses from Shopify Audiences.

      Also Read: All You Need To Know About Shopify Audiences

    13. Scalability

      Growing your business is not easy. However, Shopify Plus offers enterprise-grade scalability so you can grow and succeed. As you grow, the scalability of Shopify Plus will help make sure that success continues on autopilot by increasing its performance and availability for better end-user experience with an enterprise grade service plan designed just to suit businesses like yours!

      The Shopify store development process is not only exciting but also a great way to reach your goals. Once you have developed the perfect online shopping destination, it’s time for an expert in Merchant Success Management who can help guide future growth and success!

      Also Read: When Is It Worth To Upgrade To Shopify Plus


If you’re looking for a great ecommerce platform that will allow you to grow your business, If you migrate to Shopify then is a great choice. Not only does the platform have all the features you need to run a successful online store, but it’s also cost-effective and easy to use. Plus, with excellent support and server uptime, you can be sure that your shop will always be up and running. Ready to make the switch? Contact a Web Development Company today for more information about how their team can help get your business migrated to Shopify – we promise you won’t regret it!